Mar 11, 2008
MS patient organizations and MS activists from around the world have come together throughout March. Together, we are raising MS awareness and calling on Congress to increase federal investment in multiple sclerosis research.
Take action today. Send a quick email to your legislators.
Federally funded discoveries have significantly advanced what we know about MS and are helping us move toward a cure. When research dollars dwindle, so does MS research. We are moving research forward. What will you do?
The Consortium of MS Centers, the Heuga Center for Multiple Sclerosis, the International Organization of MS Nurses, the Montel Williams MS Foundation, the MS Association of America, MSFriends, and the National MS Society together call on Congress to increase federal funding for MS research.
Stony Brook University Hospital
101 Nicolls Road Stony Brook, NY 11794
(631) 444-4000