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Dear Friends and Colleagues,

Welcome to the Stony Brook School of Medicine General Clinical Research Center (GCRC) website. The School of Medicine received a National Institute of Health award on December 11, 1997 and established the GCRC as of June 4, 1998. Since being organized, the GCRC has already awarded over $550K to more than 30 faculty who represent virtually all the disciplines of the school.

The General Clinical Research Center is a manifestation of institutional investment and great expectation. By coalescing a critical mass of resources, fiscal, physical, and human, the GCRC plays an important role in bridging the gap between basic laboratory science and health care delivery. The GCRC serves as a catalyst, fusing expertise and spurring scientific outcomes that will rapidly develop the understanding and tools to attack diseases and improve quality of life. The NIH funding serves as leverage for its investigators to stimulate funding from both the public and private sectors.

It is safe to say the twenty-first century will be the century of molecular biology. Under the umbrella of the GCRC, we will begin to apply basic findings to a wide variety of conditions, from the inheritable diseases to the diseases of acquired genetic abnormalities to diseases of body systems.

The GCRC adheres to the School of Medicine rubric of interdisciplinary and thematic research. Thank you for visiting this website. I trust the information you find here will be useful.

Sincerely yours,

Richard N. Fine , M.D.
Dean, School of Medicine


Created at 8/2/2007 11:36 AM  by SPHINX\Administrator 
Last modified at 8/2/2007 11:36 AM  by SPHINX\Administrator 
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